Our research is highly interdisciplinary. We will apply advanced nano-fabrication, quantum transport and optical spectroscopy techniques to study emergent quantum physics in low-dimensional quantum materials, i.e. strong correlation, superconductivity and novel band topology etc.

In-house Capabilities
Motorized Transfer Stage
Glovebox with vdW Assembly System
Desiccator and Asher
Fume Hood
Femtosecond Laser
Wire Bonder and Microscope
PECVD (Vender: Jooin-tech)
E-beam and Thermal Evaporator
Dilution Refrigerator (<10mK, 9-3T vector magnet)
Sample Holder
Cryofree Magneto-Optical System (1.5K, 7T)
Probe Station (<1e-6mbar, 300K-900K)
Probe Station
4K Cryostat-to be installed